当我接受治疗时,我有短暂的里程碑要瞄准,它帮助我专注于治愈:“一周后,我将完成三分之一;还剩下 5 袋化疗药;曼联 还有 2 场比赛;再睡 1 次“等。然而,在完全清楚后的头几个月,我感到奇怪的脆弱,
I was now free from The Christie for an entire month. Cancer sprang up so quickly it could do it again surely? That month passes and I'm onto three monthly check-ups. I aimed towards taking part in many different sporting events in 2012, not only to fundraise for The Christie, but also for my psychology: if I can run half marathons, 'Terry' can't be back. However, since getting engaged at the end of 2011 there was only one milestone on my mind, get to May 4th 2013 cancer free.
2013 was a massive year for me and my fiancée Soph. We actually planned our 'big day' on the final night of my stay at The Christie in August 2011. On May 4th 2013, we turned that dream into reality and felt truly blessed to have such an amazing family and group of friends to share it with. We celebrated in style with all the people that had been there for us through the tough times. This was our day in the sun! 2013 was certainly a year of celebrations, not only did we get married, we also moved house, my dad was 60, Aunty Pam was 60, Uncle Ed was 70, my sister Jess graduated and got herself a job at a great school….
Since the wedding, I haven't thought about cancer in the same way. I used to think about it because I would have a cough, an ache or pain, or I'd be checking everywhere for lumps. Over time I've learnt how to 'live with the burden and memory of cancer'. I feel a lot more positive about my future new life without cancer and I think planning and aiming for short and longer term events really helps, whether that is a sporting challenge, a big birthday party or a weekend away. Looking forward helps because you picture yourself in that place, putting yourself in a positive frame of mind. 'Living with cancer' will be defined in many different ways by patients.
At the end of 2013, we were rocked by the news that my mum's cancer had returned. She had breast cancer over 10 years ago, you'd think after that length of time you are rid of it for good? It has returned, this time in her bones which despairingly makes it incurable. The good news is that it hasn't spread to any vital organs and the oncologist says they can manage this, hopefully for many years. When mum lived with cancer the first time, as with mine, she saw an end in sight: the treatment will cure you. But this is different. I've spent a lot of time chatting with her over the past few months and I've seen a massive change in her frame of mind.
Understandably, at first she was totally devastated, we all were. Her mum died of secondary bone cancer so she had written off her chances. However the more we read and speak to the experts, the more positive we all are. She's started her treatment now at The Christie and has a plan for the foreseeable, she's looking to the future and well she should because….on the Friday mum came round to tell us about the return of cancer,
Soph and I also had news to share. I wasn't expecting mum to tell us what she did so we saved ours for a couple of days as we got our heads around another battle with cancer! We went round and dropped off a Christmas card, it read……
Dear Grandma and Grandad, Merry Christmas and can't wait to meet you! Love, Baby Smith xxx
Cue that beaming smile, tears, hugs and something to fight for, something to aim towards. Everyone was totally overcome, what a rollercoaster of emotion. Soph and I had the 12 week scan last month, and to see that new life, already having such an impact on the lives of others, made me feel so proud and humbled. We had been trying for a few months and had started speaking to Cath at The Christie about the damage cancer might have done to my fertility.
I can't describe that feeling when Soph did the test, we were like a child on Christmas morning, dancing around the house! A new life, it's a miracle! I especially wanted to write this blog for all the young men that are going through a battle with testicular cancer at the moment. I hope this story provides you with optimism and the hope that you can dream and get everything you want from life.
今年早些时候,当我的言语治疗师珍妮丝·朗(Janice Lang)邀请我出演一部代表曼彻斯特克里斯蒂医院制作的电影时,我非常高兴地答应了。五年前,我在那里接受了放射治疗,对我所受到的礼貌和照顾印象深刻。因此,如果我能以任何方式回报他们,我愿意这样做。
幸运的是,在费尔菲尔德医院和北曼彻斯特医院从放疗和定期检查的影响中恢复过来后,我终于在 2012 年 10 月被告知不再需要我的存在。万岁。
Off Like a Shot 'Could you attend with your friend Philomena (who is also a laryngectomy patient) at the Bali Health Spa in central Manchester where the filming would take place?' We were off like a shot. It was bitterly cold day that day too in late March, but the warmth of the reception we received more than made up for it.
The film crew were unloading their equipment when we arrived and the narrowness of the street had ensured the inevitable honking of horns. So, when my husband completely blocked the street to drop us off it was like a fanfare for the famous. Once inside, we were greeted by Ben, representing the Christie and Damien from the film production company. Both were charming young men who introduced us to Karen a fellow laryngectomy patient who would also appear in the film with us. Her bubbly personality combined with Philomena's leprechaun wit was just right to lighten the proceedings.
Three young lady therapists had been assigned to look after us whilst we were "interviewed on camera" - Beyonce eat your heart out! The white toweling robes didn't do much for our film star image but the head and neck massage that followed was very pleasant indeed. After that we tried to resist the tea and cakes but couldn't, telling ourselves they were a vital accompaniment to the gossip that we then indulged in. Our contribution would form the last component of a three part film aimed at giving as many cancer patients as possible the reassurance that the disease can be survivable or 'lived with' whilst enjoying an acceptable quality of life.
Terms such as "survivorship", "living with and beyond cancer" and " mind and body," all of course, tremendously and seriously important themes in the film, were being used, but by this time we were in full 'diva' mode and encouraged to tell it 'our way'. The Premiere Then in mid -July it was time for the "premiere". The film would be shown after dinner, on the big screen at the Manchester Conference Centre and we were invited. So, in best frocks and with the excitement unbearable, we attended with some forty or so others including Janice our Speech Therapist.
All had been involved to a larger or lesser extent in the making of the film. They included six other "stars" who had appeared in parts one and two. They were all such interesting people and included a sculptress and a professional musician. The stories of how they had coped with a variety of cancers were a humbling experience yet much of the evening, including during the showing of the film was filled with laughter. Alas, inevitably, much of my performance - and I expect that of the others - had fallen to the cutting room floor.
No offers of a contract have yet been received. The following week, and in glorious weather, we attended what can be best described as a 'garden party' held in the Conservatory and among the rose beds at the Christie. It was the launch of the new website and the introduction of the film to various professionals, volunteers and patients. Dozens attended, and doesn't it make such a difference when the sun shines? Conversations and banter tripped lightly through the next three hours before it was all over and I returned home to get the washing in. The film has been so professionally prepared, and the message it contains so reassuring, that I would recommend everyone to take a peep. It can be opened on the above website or viewed on YouTube.
We all long for clarity of understanding of our disease but this usually eludes us. The consultants necessarily trim off the clinical complexities that would only confuse us, and instead try to leave us with a clear- cut idea of the treatment that will help, and even cure us. We then ponder on all that has been said and search for the answers, the ethics, and the morality that has allowed this 'thing' to invade our bodies. But the inevitable 'why me?' always remains unanswered. Although I was told I had the classic 'smoker's cancer,' I had never smoked in my life. Although feeling clean of the guilt of having caused the cancer myself, it didn't help. The nasty complexities of real life don't allow for it. There was nothing I could do to cure myself.
The question was how I could survive until the experts could get rid of it for me. Hard to be Positive Developing a positive frame of mind did not come easy. My brain had gone to work and come up with nothing but negatives. The more ill I felt, the more desperate they were. My own method was to try and feel happy about everything else in my life such as my home, my life-style, my three sons and their families, and of course, my ever-supportive husband. I did not actually sit down and make a list of all the good things but I wish I had. I hope that you will think our little film is a good thing too. I think you will. Hazel Barker, The Oldham Quiet Ones Club
我上述道路的岔路口是在听到我的治疗方案时出现的——根治性手术导致永久性造口终身或大约 12 个月的生命(肠癌圈子里被称为袋子或盒子场景)。我没有想过真正患上癌症的后果,我以为我们会把它取出来,分道扬镳。Radical Surgery 甚至没有进入我的意识,我唯一感兴趣的 Bag4Life 是我一起去 Tesco 的那个!我计划活下去,据我所知,顾问外科医生也想帮忙,但是几乎没有想过一旦挽救了我的生活会是什么样子。我当时只有 31 岁,有女朋友,但还没有孩子,更重要的是,我非常依恋我的 ar*e。幸运的是,我完全避开了恐惧,直奔“你怎么敢!”说不,我想要第二种意见。
这个决定给了我我认为在我生命中最重要的时刻被剥夺的东西——时间!我确实离开了并得到了第二意见,我确实在利物浦附近的克拉特布里奇癌症中心找到了一种叫做Papillon的治疗方法。这个决定是 10 年前的 6 月,我仍然在这里,仍然可以坐在马桶上阅读周日的报纸,所以考虑到我只有两个选择——袋子或盒子,这还不错!
从癌症中幸存下来是当务之急,但对癌症本身的恐惧会阻止你花时间真正思考癌症之后的生活会是什么样子。我仍然有一些来自我接受的放疗和化疗的副作用,我仍然做了显微手术;所以相信我,当我说我选择的道路并不容易时,但这是我的道路,而不是外科医生。如果我使用永久性造口,我的生存途径看起来会大不相同,并且随之而来的是它本身的一系列副作用和并发症,无论是身体上还是心理上。不管怎样,你的决定必须是适合你的正确决定!如果他们及时发现了癌症,并且正在谈论治疗方案和发生时间 - 你应该要求时间考虑你想发生在你整个身体上的事情,而不仅仅是医生似乎如此关注的小肿瘤。
今年是我的 10 年,我很高兴也很幸运能活着,自从生病以来做了一些伟大的事情,但回顾过去,我一生中最自豪的时刻之一是我控制了自己的未来,没有屈服于对 Big C 的恐惧。我不反对手术或造口,我支持选择,现实情况是,您将不得不忍受与您的癌症护理有关的任何选择——我宁愿这个选择是我的。
虽然每位专家都很棒,但我要特别感谢 Paula、Julie 和 Tracy 为缓解我的淋巴血症问题提供的宝贵帮助。在我年事已高的时候,我不认为还有人能做的更多,但他们给了我新的乐观。未来,我已经采纳了他们的所有建议。
被诊断出患有胃癌后 18 个月
的故事 关注一个可怕的癌细胞
所以如果你相信我是 teetotal
胀 去找我的同事投票的医生
医生 只是给你药片,希望它能清除
的 一想到它就让我出汗
,再做一个测试 我们会送你去做内窥镜检查
USHM 是您要去
的地方 如果您不知道
的话,它是一所教学医院 它以其声誉
而闻名 没有比这更好的手术场所了
I was told to strip and wear a gown
An enema would help me settle down
To add to my tails of woe
My backside was all on show
Following the irrigation
The camera did its exploration
The doctor told me there and then
It seems all clear - I said Amen
A short time later I returned
Still uptight and a tad concerned
A camera down my throat would find
More problems than an exposed behind
The Doctors face told me the answer
I knew I had the dreaded Cancer
The nurses gave me their support
As the doctor read out his report
The news you hear becomes a shock
The C word causes a mental block
The biopsy may show us more
I then turned white and almost swore
You are left alone with an Orange drink
To compose yourself with time to think
I don't do drugs, drink or smoke
So why pick on me I'm a healthy bloke
You have pent up anger and frustration
Before you attend your consultation
I met my surgeon Mr Welch
And told him how I still burp and belch
He is the most amazing man
And in layman's terms told me his plan
No hospital jargon to make me worry
Just calm precise and in no hurry
My tumour on a scale one to four
Was touching three but at worst no more
So with chemo and a slight loss of weight
The best cause of action was to operate
A total gastrectomy is what we recommend
He knew I didn't fully comprehend
So to ensure I was in no doubt
That's all your stomachs coming out
Chemotherapy will help prevent it spreading
So off to Christies you'll be heading
Pumped full of drugs may sound gory
So well leave the chemo for another story
12 weeks later I was all prepared
And can honestly say I wasn't scared
You put your life in one mans hands
And I was already making future plans
The theatre team were all first class
But I am sure they gave me laughing gas
I woke up in I.C.U
All unsung heroes that nursing crew
My partner for the past eight years
Was by my bedside in floods of tears
I woke up from the surgeon's knife
And asked her quietly would she be my wife
I had tubes in every orifice
But managed somehow to steal a kiss
My daughters both full of stress
Could now worry about there wedding dress
A4 was my surgical ward
And for the next 10 days I wasn't bored
A high standard of nursing care
Was there aim which they achieved with flair
Physiotherapy may be a touch sadistic
But the support I got made me optimistic
6 weeks later I was feeling brighter
Back at work and 2 stones lighter
Gastro Reflux can be a side affect
And toilet issues you may expect
But we are lucky if all we fear
Is nausea and a bout of diarrhea
Some experts will try to claim
That instant meals is part to blame
The truth is no one knows for sure
The causes still remain obscure
Now in trying to keep it short
I've missed thanking people for their support
The dietarians kept on repeating
There no substitute for healthy eating
Chew food and eat more slowly
Is sound advice from Tina Foley
Both Fran and Tina are special nurses
That deserve more than just two verses
There knowledge and positive attitude
Should count for more than just gratitude
So at the next support group meeting
My sincere thanks I will keep repeating
The nurses and the Registrars
Have so much patience all were stars
But to those I would give Champaign
Are the loved ones who kept me sane
I know that cancer sometimes kills
But so do cars and sleeping pills
So don't let cancer get you down
Be upbeat and remove that frown
Be positive and have ambition
Don't fret is it in remission
It's not just with this disease
That you will receive no guarantees
Light hearted humour I maintain
Relieves the worry and eases pain
So as patients we can do our bit
And assist the surgeons to make us fit
The moral of this story shows
Although we still have highs and lows
Laughter, smiles or just a grin
Will ensure the C Word cannot win
Chemo and its side effects don't believe all you read
Another poem by John Rothwell
Chemotherapy for twelve long weeks
Has side effects with troughs and peaks
It taught me tolerance and resolution
But played havoc with my constitution
It's not easy to guess or predict
What traumas the medication will inflict
But for those with low blood cells
Expect flu like symptoms and dizzy spells
Nausea and vomiting must top the league
With hair loss followed closely by fatigue
Toilet issues may not escape I fear
With constipation or even worse diarrhoea
Your skin and nails become dry and sore
You wonder just what's next in store
Its stress, anxiety and deep depression
No wonder your sex life goes in recession
Your taste buds suddenly start to change
the food you like becomes weird and strange
Short memory loss becomes a fright
And insomnia keeps you up all night
I know I exaggerate and dramatize
Some might even call it telling lies
But no pain no gain is the only answer
To get rid of this bloody cancer
来自 Penny Doyle 的问候,如果您正在阅读本文,那么您来对地方了。
可能我是通过与你们大多数人不同的路线开始这段旅程的。我在2011年6月中风,住院了3个月。同年8月,在所有扫描过程中,还发现我处于非霍奇金淋巴瘤的第四阶段 - 双重打击啊!
所有这些爱都是那么令人放心,但我的生活现在已经完全颠倒了,我是应该照顾其他人的人,我是他们应该来找的人,开车-购物-做饭-洗衣和建议,而不是相反!对我来说,这是最糟糕的转变,因为我的丈夫和家人已经把所有这些家务都揽在了自己身上,我仍然很容易感到非常疲倦。我觉得我需要 - 不,Icravedto 与处于类似情况的人交谈。